Vote & Promote

Popularity is a social phenomenon that reflects the amount of attention people pay to what they are attracted to. When someone or something catches our attention, we become interested, seek information, evaluate, and tell others. This is where we invest our energy, which can be called "attention energy". On social media, audience attention energy is converted into likes and subscriptions. Their quantity is considered a measure of the popularity of posts, accounts, tweets, etc. Taking actions of evaluation or subscription can be equated to voting. In this voting, the influence of each user on popularity is limited to only one vote (for example, a like). Based on their total amount, a rating is formed for each account. However, with the development of the bot industry, it has become difficult to trust ratings based on likes in social media. At the same time, despite the existence of various ratings (for example, of movies, music, etc.), social surveys, etc., the voting in them is not transparent, and therefore its results may not be reliable. Currently, there is no unified rating for everything known to society. We do not know the true attitude of society to most concepts, events, and phenomena in their own and other countries. Populárex aims to solve these problems and suggests looking at popularity as the result of decentralized crypto-voting. It allows solving 3 tasks:

  • Ensure safe, transparent, and open voting and expression of opinions on anything.

  • Promote the popularity of ToP and at the same time, one's own.

  • Manage one's influence through Upvoting (buying VOTs) or Downvoting (selling VOTs).

Crypto-voting involves the exchange of a user's attention energy, which they evaluate in blockchain coins, for influence votes VOTs (Upvoting). Users who have purchased VOTs are called Sponsors of Popularity (sponsors). Through Upvoting, they acquire Influence and influence the growth of ToP's popularity, thereby promoting its positions in the global Popularity Ranking (PR) of the platform. The influence of each sponsor in ToP is equal to the total value of all VOTs purchased by the sponsor for this ToP. Sponsors who participate in the promotion of one ToP form a community of sponsors around it, or ToP Sponsors Club. Participants in this club are united by a common goal - to increase the popularity of ToP and promote their opinions about the object of popularity. By joining this club, users accept this goal as their main one and agree to the rules of the game.

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